Would you like to give me some feedback. Or thing's that need to be improved?


Active Member
<sadly enough i haven't received a review. If you still like to do it. (even negative is ok for me) :) >


So i've recently started to upload content on my new and fresh channel. And for me the video's are pretty oke. But i'm alway's looking challenge's. There are probably about a billion gaming video's on youtube, wich make's it stupid to start a gaming channel (actually doing more thing's but for now it's still gaming)

For me it's not just about the video content. As you might notice, (if you are going to watch my video's) I aim the most on my editting skills. Trying to make it as creative as possible. And i would like the hear if the way i edit my video's is making it better in your opinion. Or make it worse.

Thank you for your time ! :D
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