Would reading creepy pastas be a good idea?


Well-Known Member
I have a gaming channel but I'd like to broaden my rage of thing I do one plan is to read creepy pastas every friday or saturday but im not sure if that will increase the appeal to my audience or cause an inconsistency.

Opinions please!
You need a good voice to do that, also I don't think it's a good idea for there are lots or YouTubers with REALLY good voices that read creepy pastas. Unless you have a really great voice, I wouldn't recommend it.
You need a good voice to do that, also I don't think it's a good idea for there are lots or YouTubers with REALLY good voices that read creepy pastas. Unless you have a really great voice, I wouldn't recommend it.
See often in my drama class we'd read through roles in different voices and usually I did the villian's voice. So im hoping maybe i can get by with something like that. My normal speaking voice is average but maybe if i did in the same way i did in drama class it would come out okay?
ill have to experiment around with it.
like people said you have to have a type of voice for creepy pasta readings but you're pretty decent, I would recommend a clearer mic though because I couldn't really understand you especially after hearing how loud the gameplay was.
like people said you have to have a type of voice for creepy pasta readings but you're pretty decent, I would recommend a clearer mic though because I couldn't really understand you especially after hearing how loud the gameplay was.
been saving up for a quality mic and yes i need to figure out sound balance a bit more.
thanks for the feedback i honestly wasnt sure what people thought about the sound.
If you'd like, I can voice-over some content for you if you'd like ^^

I spent way too much on my audio equipment.
I would say try it out but with some sort of twist so your series can be original because there are already alot of bigger youtubers doing that
It's normally the presentation, and the way you invoke an image to everyone. People can read, sure, but maybe add something extra into it.