Worriedness for next video!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!
Hope you're well! :)

I did my first proper about 5 days ago now, and I want to get another up in the next few days. The issue I am having at the moment is that, due to the awesome feedback I've had about my first video I am going to disappoint with my next one..

The stuff I was talking about the video worked really well and it all came together really nicely but now I cant think of something that would be as relatable and as engaging.

I am a little worried and don't want to disappoint! Have any of you guys(or girls) had this fear before?
Honestly? I have that fear about a lot of my video's, especially if I start a new series and it goes well for the first episode I fear that the second one won't live up to expectation. I did a Halloween 2013 trailer which has over 600 Views.. the actual video on Halloween (31st October) did not do as well. That's life though. It'll be alright though.
My avorite channels have good videos with vloggy ones in between as well.

And someone said that its you as much as the content, I won't do the quote thing because I'm on a tablet and navigating sucks.

Yeah so I just gave you a watch, you're pretty funny, you don't have any habits so don't worry about it just make another video.

If you're stuck for ides i posted a milk related idea else where tonight, can't link it cos I'm so tired but if you navigate through my user name you should be able to find what I'm talking an.... Actually, just Google strange uses for milk.

I'm sure there's a funny moment in trying to use milk as a replacement shaving cream.


I guess this is why people tag each other, to avoid coming up with ideas...

If anyone can explain to me how to tag some one and what the general ettiquette is i'll pass em on, nothing like an excuse to do something stupid is there:-)
I'm always afraid to disappoint. But you just should do it. The first one was so funny! I loved it. I really love to see more of you. More funny videos. Just make some and have a laugh