Without sugarcoating - does the channel give you a professional vibe


I've Got It
So my channel is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdYbggEBIxFew9g-5FKXUfg

It's only one week old.

I would like to know if the channel, when you see it, gives you a professional vibe.
Dont confuse it with serious or formal, I make animated skits/sketches/storytelling kinda things. They have sarcasm and memes in it and are not super serious.
They are supposed to be entertaining, but you be the judge of it, Im way too self critical for my own good lol.

Also it would help a lot if you told me what you think of the avatar and channel art.

You can check out the channel trailer and tell me if it suits the entire thing as well. (The first video has horrible audio, I know).

In a week I got a bit over 160 subs and 900+ views through thorough "advertising" through facebook, reddit and yt. yt comments get me the most subs, so i guess the channel trailer is doing its job to a some degree. I am not too happy with the audio but Im fixing it.
I hope this time the thread was written correctly, this was a long week of waiting to be allowed to post here again lol.
Your videos themselves and the content within them give me a professional vibe for sure they are really good honestly (ofc in my opinion). Congrats on your early success dude.

But in also its seems Your channel art (excluding your thumbnails because the simplicity is actually perfect for your art style) is a bit bland. What I'd suggest is taking the characters you draw and really making them come alive in your art. Emphasize your art style with either brighter colors or by giving them actions while having them appear bigger in your banner. The gray in particular actually takes away from how animated your banner art is. I think if you drew a background for it, colored it in, and increased the size of u running from the dog it would look really good.