Very true, never looked at it that way before, but radio is for ears only, now we have vision entertainment , how do we top that?? like TV all thats happened since it was invented is upgradeRadio broadcasting shows don't exist anymore, that that technology is less that one hundred years old. Do you believe that our current medium of entertainment will last a thousand? I find it unlikely. Best case scenario, YouTube will have to adapt to some new climate of media, or die off and fade into obscurity.
Newer technology is always more immersive, interactive and convenient. Maybe something that has virtual reality or 3D aspects could become relevant, or maybe something that we haven't even considered yet will happen.Very true, never looked at it that way before, but radio is for ears only, now we have vision entertainment , how do we top that?? like TV all thats happened since it was invented is upgrade
haha yeh, you never know the world might end by then anyway lolI think in a thousand years anything that uses a solid screen will be like ancient technology, perhaps we wont have entertainment then or no longer wish to entertain ourselvesAint that bleak lol I can imagine YouTube being around for about 50 years but will likely change loads to keep up with the times.
haha yeh, But other than YT, imagine what games will be like shame none of us will be around to see them :-(I think the internet will still be around in 1000 years to come but I think it will be totally different, who knows, maybe you will get sucked into a room on your computer and and free to watch anything you want. IDK, my mind is f**ked up