Will ticking "[ ] This video contains a promotion" result in a lower RPM?


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I'm curious if designating a certain video as containing a sponsorship result in a lower RPM in general? I need to figure out if this is the case, as I've recently ticked that box for videos that include paid shoutouts/mentions for the last 30 days. I noticed a pretty steep drop from a $7.50 RPM down to a $5.50 RPM in the last week (not the full 30 days, in fact 2 weeks ago, I had $10 CPM's). This has dropped my daily earnings by nearly 30%.

I'm curious if the drop in RPM could be due to something else, or likely ticking that box. Of course, I will keep ticking it, but I may need to charge more for the sponsorships in order to recoup the loss in ad rev.
You will get in trouble with YouTube if you don't check that box and should have. It probably hasn't affected your income. This is January. It has always paid less.