Will networks drop you for your politics?


Active Member
I'm just curious if networks, in general, play it safe when it comes to a YouTuber interjecting political commentary in their videos, even if the channel isn't based around politics? Like say I'm doing a "let's play" and just BSing about a particular topic but am not exactly being politically correct about it. Do they police their channels closely or are they somewhat lenient? I imagine it depends on the network, and of course you can go to a point where there is no longer any tolerance for what you are saying, and for good reason, but I'd hate to have to curb my language in order to have a chance at becoming part of a network. Assuming that ever happens.

It seems these days it's all about the paranoia behind the idea of getting sued by some random viewer for some arbitrary reason, and covering your behind so you don't have financial problems arise from this.
No, they don't care. After all, it's not as though they're watching your videos.

They only way they would have problems with you is if you consistently run into problems with YouTube itself, but, if that's the case, you have bigger issues to deal with than your network possibly dropping you.
No, they don't care. After all, it's not as though they're watching your videos.

They only way they would have problems with you is if you consistently run into problems with YouTube itself, but, if that's the case, you have bigger issues to deal with than your network possibly dropping you.

That's good to hear!
I know of a political channel that had a history of being controversial. He was dropped from the network in 2015 after years of being edgy
I know of a political channel that had a history of being controversial. He was dropped from the network in 2015 after years of being edgy

I can imagine some people can push their luck or just put their foot in their mouth one too many times. Controversial seems to be a catch-all phrase these days for anything that upsets a handful of people that turn around and make a big deal about it.
Probably not, they are in it for the money. And controversial subjects such as politics have a way of creating massive revenue. Now, I would personally stay out of it myself. I don't judge a person based on their political beliefs, but there are many that can't get over the fact someone swings right or left. There is no easier way than to offend 50% of your viewer base than talk politics.
YouTube won't care so long as the content follows the TOS with regards to what YT consider acceptable content. More information here: https://support.google.com/youtube/topic/2803176?hl=en&ref_topic=2676378

Also, recently they tightened the rules on what type of content isn't eligible for monetization (war, violence, death etc) This makes sense. Advertisers don't want ads for their products and services to be associated with a video of people getting killed, for example.

Apart from YT's rules, a creator needs to be careful not to slander anyone. YouTube won't police this because it'd be impossible plus the fact that it's a civil matter. But there'd be a real risk of the slandered party taking legal action.
YouTube won't care so long as the content follows the TOS with regards to what YT consider acceptable content. More information here:

Also, recently they tightened the rules on what type of content isn't eligible for monetization (war, violence, death etc) This makes sense. Advertisers don't want ads for their products and services to be associated with a video of people getting killed, for example.

Apart from YT's rules, a creator needs to be careful not to slander anyone. YouTube won't police this because it'd be impossible plus the fact that it's a civil matter. But there'd be a real risk of the slandered party taking legal action.
