I've Got It
I was showing some of my older videos to a friend of mine and realized something strange... there are a couple that have ads on them. but... im not partnered nor am I making any money off of them. I wouldn't be making any money even if I WERE partnered though because my channel as a whole doesn't get enough views let alone a couple videos. so I don't know why there is an ad on them in the first place BUT I don't want youtube over stepping their boundaries either way. I never agreed for them to put ads on my videos. im just wondering what I can do to either understand how they can put ads on peoples videos without them knowing or just help getting them removed. its not an actual commercial ad though, its just a small ad bar at the bottom of the video. plus the video that i can think of off the top of my head is only 30 seconds long and the ad appears 10 seconds in.