Why are some pop filters more expensive than others?

A budget pop filter may have no or poor adjustment , while a more expensive option will have a sturdy neck that can be positioned precisely. Also an expensive one may also redirects the air away from the mic while a budget one just layer of material to block it.
A budget pop filter may have no or poor adjustment , while a more expensive option will have a sturdy neck that can be positioned precisely. Also an expensive one may also redirects the air away from the mic while a budget one just layer of material to block it.
Oh okay, but all the pop filters I'm looking at look like they have really flexible necks? I think I'll stick with a cheaper 1. I've seen people using cheaper 1s. Or would it be best to get the official yeti pop filter?
It's all about quality. Like DisOrd3r Said. I rock a sock on my microphone for right now. lol. I have a new mic with pop filter coming in the mail though. But different priced ones come with different qualities of material or effectiveness.
Id say if you need an actual pop-filter, go with an expensive one that redirects wind and whatnot, and if you don't need all of that fancy stuff, or don't want to pay up too much, get a sock. A sock with a hole on its heel is a very nice one to use, as you can cut it to the right length without feeling guilty ^^ (Do wash before putting on mic though. Don't want a smelly mic in your face)
Personally, I use a sock :p
Just get a cheaper one :) I used a sock before I got my filter so ;P
Wait a minute, so it was you! lol I remember someone saying they used some sort of pantyhose or a sock xD

Would the distance between the pop filter and mic help reduce wind even on the cheaper 1s? I've noticed most people who use the pop filters put them really close to the mic, I'd have tought the further away the better.
Get a cheap one for now, and when you're ready to upgrade microphones in the future, get a bundle or ask for a good pop filter.
A couple of things. A pop filter is a cloth or cloth like material designed to reduce the "force of air" coming from your mouth. The pops you hear is the microphone diaphragm being overloaded by the amount of air hitting it because those P sounds simply use more force to create. So, any cloth that allows sound to pass through will work. Thin, thick, meh, it doesn't really matter as long as it sounds good on the other end, so you can go expensive and buy the fancy Yeti one or you can buy pantyhose and destroy a metal coat hanger, the result will essentially be the same. I wouldn't recommend the pantyhose route if you're a livestreamer as it does look a bit janky.

Another thing I've seen people use instead of a coat hanger is an embroidery hoop that you can buy at craft stores. Here's a pretty reasonable guide.

Now, second you can just learn how better to use a mic. Pop filters are often known in the radio industry as tools for making people who've never used a mic before sound not terrible. They give them to people coming in for interviews and such, but many radio stations don't use them for the DJ because the person knows how to work a mic. Position the microphone at your cheek (45 degrees to the left or right), about 4-5 inches away from your mouth (hand width). Talk past the microphone rather than into it. The force of air on P and T consonants is generally straight ahead, so by talking past it you still get volume but less or no pops at all. This is why most headsets position the microphone where they do, off to the side rather than directly in front.

Myself personally, I use 2 technically. My mic has a foam popfilter and I also have a stand mounted one. This is because most of my recording is done where I'm moving around a fair amount and don't want to think about my mic position. When I'm reading a script however, I can do it without a popfilter and have no pops at all. Just takes practice.