Who Uses OpenShot Video Editor ?

What do you use ?

  • Windows Movie Maker

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Justin Breithaupt

Well-Known Member
I use OpenShot Video Editor all the time. I've been using it for probably 3 years now. It has a plugin for animations using Blender 3D. To see what kind of stuff it produces you can watch my channel, but remember some of my video editing has been quick and lazy, and other videos are much more involved. I also use Audacity to edit and amplify audio from video files. OpenShot doesn't do so good at amplifying the sound from my camera. I have several videos I think that show OpenShot editing.
My music tracks from my videos come from LMMS Linux Multimedia Sound Studio. It's great because it forces you to be original. If you import a Midi file it makes you come up with your own instruments and generate your own custom tracks. I loved how it did the Duke Nukem theme.
I've never heard about that. Is it free? I might want to try it out.
you should include iMovie in your poll . . . I don't use it, but I'm guess all the mac people who aren't using a random pro program are using it.
Yes it's free, and it comes with JULinuXP or JULinOX OS 2013 justuselinux.com
If the blender plugin doesn't work the best thing to do is download blender for Linux, extract it, and paste it (as root) into /bin and that usually takes care of it, if not just use prefrences in openshot to tell it where the blender bianary file is. (/bin/blender or blender)