Which game for a video series?

Which game(s)?

  • Dark Cloud 2

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • MLB Power Pros 2008

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eternal Ring

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Demon's Souls

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mario Superstar Baseball

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Spider-Man 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Walking Dead (season 1 or 2)

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (continuation)

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Smackdown! VS RAW 2006

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


YTtalk Mad
My current series is coming to a close soon, and having no views or comments on that whole series make me want to get input on the next one. I planned to do MLB 14 videos later, but that depends on whether PS4 allows videos to be recorded at that time or not, and I'd need something to do in the meantime. So I decided to create a poll of games I have that I could possibly have fun with making a series of.

Some of these games are older games that would barely get searched, whereas some are newer and more popular, but they've already been done to death lately.

I also ask to those that vote to leave a message in this thread on whether you would honestly watch any of my videos if I did pick that as my next series.

I'll allow multiple responses in the poll in case anybody is actually interested in more than one option. I would ask to not pick all of the options though, because that doesn't really help lead to a decision.
Just snuck in a Smackdown! VS RAW 2006 option, but I don't expect that to be too popular anyway.

And Oblivion is definitely one of my favorites of all time. Only reason I've never done a proper series on it before (I did do 2 Oblivion videos, but they were largely unedited and without commentary) is because I'm not sure how to go about it. In my opinion, the most fun thing about Oblivion is just going around randomly and doing whatever you feel like, whenever. I think if I just went straight through the main story for the series, it would be kind of dull because the main story is my least favorite part of the game.

And if I'm recording Oblivion on PC, there's the question about mods. Should I use mods at all? And if so, I need to figure out which ones.
And if I'm recording Oblivion on PC, there's the question about mods. Should I use mods at all? And if so, I need to figure out which ones.

I would recommend using mods. Two of my favorites are Deadly Reflex and Midas Magic. Deadly reflex adds a lot to the combat systems and Midas add a load of new spells.
Omg Dark Cloud 2 definitely, it's my absolute favorite game ever! I miss the game but my old copy got so scratched up I can't play past Chapter 3! :crying:
Based on my experience in video editing and promotion the best way to get views and all that is to be "evergreen" as they call it. The problem with doing a sports let's play or anything longer then a few videos is that game may get you somewhere now but it wont help once MLB 15, Madden 15, ect come out. The fact of the matter is not to have the LP as a walkthrough really. You need to make it your own brand of entertainment. Basically if its a long Let's Play and the game has little to no story make one out of it (see Yogscast videos for an example). If it has a heavy story that has stupid moments make really vain and funny comments about it even if you believe it's not that bad. People for some reason love exaggeration. Just don't go over the top screaming like a little girl or anything that gets panned usually.

As for the next let's play i'd say do something that you would want to watch. I cant stress this enough because you shouldn't be making reviews/let's plays for other people. You make the LP or Review because the other people haven't produced the product you have in your head. That's why you can see people like Game Grumps, Yogscast, ect who can literally play the most obscure game ever and get millions of views. It's because by their style and commentary they make it their own brand. Get what I mean?

Also stay away from newer games that are being LP'ed by everyone or you are going to be completely lost in the crowd. I would say start off with a game that isn't that long. Something like I do with my (FMV Hell) series (not promoting just an example). Instead of doing a review or Let's play of it I show all the main parts and commentate on it. This makes it where you get the full experience in a shorter amount of time. A long game like Final Fantasy, Skyrim, things like that don't get over as well because series that are longer naturally depreciate view wise and engagement wise over time. For example, let's say you did Final Fantasy 7. It's 100 parts long or whatever each part is 30 minutes. I guarantee you now that if part one gets 200 views, then part two will only get 150 or less. Then the subsequent parts will get less. The reason is, is because if you aren't "carrying the game" via your commentary then the people will leave to watch someone else do it.