YTtalk Mad
My current series is coming to a close soon, and having no views or comments on that whole series make me want to get input on the next one. I planned to do MLB 14 videos later, but that depends on whether PS4 allows videos to be recorded at that time or not, and I'd need something to do in the meantime. So I decided to create a poll of games I have that I could possibly have fun with making a series of.
Some of these games are older games that would barely get searched, whereas some are newer and more popular, but they've already been done to death lately.
I also ask to those that vote to leave a message in this thread on whether you would honestly watch any of my videos if I did pick that as my next series.
I'll allow multiple responses in the poll in case anybody is actually interested in more than one option. I would ask to not pick all of the options though, because that doesn't really help lead to a decision.
Some of these games are older games that would barely get searched, whereas some are newer and more popular, but they've already been done to death lately.
I also ask to those that vote to leave a message in this thread on whether you would honestly watch any of my videos if I did pick that as my next series.
I'll allow multiple responses in the poll in case anybody is actually interested in more than one option. I would ask to not pick all of the options though, because that doesn't really help lead to a decision.