When Should I Look for a Network I Is it Worth It?


Active Member
I really dont know too much about networks, so I'd like so more info on them. I know of curse network, and I'm actually able to apply, but I dont know if I should. If you guys can provide me of, when I should, which networks to consider, and what joining actually does. Thanks!
I dont have to much experience with networks and specially with Curse but i think Curse (Union For Gamers) is the best network for small gamers atm, have best revenue 90/10, they dont have lock on contract and you can take your earned money thru paypal so in my opinion you can try ! :)

P.s. Sorry for my English i know is awful :D
I dont have to much experience with networks and specially with Curse but i think Curse (Union For Gamers) is the best network for small gamers atm, have best revenue 90/10, they dont have lock on contract and you can take your earned money thru paypal so in my opinion you can try ! :)

P.s. Sorry for my English i know is awful :D
I appreciate the run down, thanks man :D