Active Member
...for example - in a theme park - do you need to get permission from the owners before you take your video camera in?
My apologies for the lack of detail. I am based in England and am considering filming at an English theme park. Based on the comments above, I suppose the best thing to do is send an e-mail to them directly and see what they say. Wish me luck!
What exactly are you planning to record ? If it's just vlog stuff you will have no problems, people do it all the time
Fair point. I'll speak to the venue first and see what they say. I'm happy to give them positive comments in the video.@TheBatteryChicken knows his stuff when it comes to this, AFAIK in England if you're in a public place you can legally take a photo or video of anyone with or without their permission, as long as you are on public property then there is no issue. People record themselves and their kids all the time at theme parks so I doubt you will have any issues but checking could be good. The only part I am unsure about is monetising videos which have people in them but I doubt that if theyre just in the background you require any kind of permission etc