When Does Fullscreen Pay You?


Hello, I'm currently partnered with curse and I'm satisfied with the CPM. What I don't like about curse is they take 40ish days to pay you after you earned your earnings for a month. I was looking into fullscreen since their cpm is also pretty good and I was wondering if anyone knows how long they take to pay you. Thanks.
I just joined curse and they state that they pay you every month on the 10th, so if i'm understanding you correctly you're thinking that its a whole month + the 10 days of the next? because it would still be 30 days if you started on May 10th to june 10th

1. Different CPM's is a myth. It's always almost the same with every Network
2. I know there are MCN's who pay you every month on the 15-18th (30-40 days too long for 2015)