When did the views start just rolling in for you guys?


Sterious people making skits/ other random stuff
Because I know I have been on Youtube for very little time, but my videos won't get almost any views at all if I don't self advertise a bit around the internet.
When did the views and subs start coming in on their own for you guys?
I average about 150 views per video and really have been averaging that since I first started out so really the views havent been rolling in for me yet.
I average around 300 a video but that's only because of self advetising, we're not well known at all at the moment.
everyone advertises their videos, even the biggest youtubers still self-promote but i suppose the views will roll in a little by themselves if you catch the attention of people who like it so much they show it to their friends and then they do the same etc. etc. :D that or every now and then pick a subject for a video that is really popular at the time and the people who watch that might like it enough to check out your other vids :p
Although mine haven't started rolling in without me pushing them a lot, I would say that they start rolling in when you're fan base gets to a good size.

5,000 subscribers might equal out to 2,000 views per video
my views started coming in a few months after I started my YouTube channel. It took lots of work with advertising but it's worth it when you post videos and lots of people watch them and you don't have to advertise
When I stopped wondering how other people did it and started promoting myself everywhere. Commenting on peoples videos for one helps.
Did you comment on big or small youtubers' videos? Because I am commenting on bigger videos and it isn't working that much
Did you comment on big or small youtubers' videos? Because I am commenting on bigger videos and it isn't working that much

go to youtube and search your type of videos that you are making and comment on them. Commenting on big youtubers videos well your not going to get noticed as much. Because your comment will get buried so fast. Plus networking with other people in your same niche helps.

and do not forget you are here on yttalk with tons of other youtubers go to the video section and start commenting and liking their videos. Because we all can help each other get to where we want to be.