whats wrong with my ads type?



I choose 2 of ads type to all my video (Display ads+Overlay ads) apply and save.

but when i come back to (any) of my video monetization i see all the ads type activated !

anyone can help me with this please
Are you with an MCN?

If so, it is likely they are choosing to bulk claim all videos in the network with every ad type, every few days or so..
Yes I'm with course,
so what should i do?

Most contracts state that you give the network the authority to monetize your channel. That means that they have the legal right to change your settings.

When I was with Fullscreen, I revised the language to stipulate that I had complete authority on which videos get which ad types. However, Fullscreen still did what they pleased and changed all of my videos to display all ad types.

When I complained, they said to give them a list of which settings did I want on which videos. I had somewhere around 800 videos! It was just another reason for me to not trust them and leave as soon as possible. Thankfully, I only had a one year deal.