What's the quickest and most effective way of planning a tutorial?


Well-Known Member
I'm looking to learn quick and simple ways to effectively plan for a tutorial to minimize stuttering and or pauses. I'd like to confidently push out information in a clean and understandable manner. What do you tutorial content producers do to prepare?
I would say write down some key points that you want to mention in the tutorial. I would structure this too so it is in an order of how you want to say the points. Think of it as a script.
- Try whatever you're planning a tutorial of what you're doing first, to get a feel for it

- On a notepad(real one or on computer, as long as it's off camera) put down major points of the tutorial

- Do it so anyone who doesn't understand it will get this gist of it
I'm looking to learn quick and simple ways to effectively plan for a tutorial to minimize stuttering and or pauses. I'd like to confidently push out information in a clean and understandable manner. What do you tutorial content producers do to prepare?
I write everything I want to say down and then I re-read and edit. From there, it gets pretty easy because you have familiarized yourself with the material ;)
Thanks everyone for your input, I do feel as if I should write down the key points. I'm a tad bit pessimistic about it though, I feel as if I'd look at it and immediately change course, maybe not. I'll give it a shot :) I'll also try tonight writing a script and re-reading/editing until it all is embedded in my mind somewhat so I don't stutter or hesitate on what to say. We'll hopefully see a difference in videos soon as I adapt new methods of video preparing.