What's the deal with 20th Century Fox policy?


Active Member
I made a simpsons couch montage video 4 or 5 years ago, then in less than a week, they not only deleted my video, but they gave me a strike.

Nowadays, I see simpsons full episodes that have been uploaded on youtube for years, and they don't seem to have a problem with it.

In one of the "TOP 10 BEST _______ games" video, a narrator says, "oh sorry, we can't show you any footage from a simpsons game or we'll get our asses sued"

But in other channels, letsplay videos seem to be doing just fine while making money off a simpsons game.

So, what is okay or not okay with 20th Century Fox now?
Anything is okay if you have permission or if your use ends up being Fair Use. The problem is that you can't know until it goes to court, but you can get a pretty good idea. If you use it in a way that would likely be Fair Use, then you can use it without much worry. If they take it down, just submit a Counter-Notification.

Those channels showing full episodes do not fall under Fair Use, so either they got permission (unlikely) or they just haven't been caught yet, somehow.