Whats happened to Adsense?


Up until yesterday everything was fine. I had daily earnings right up to date as normal.

However, I checked my Adsense account yesterday evening and noticed that from the 20th Nov earnings are suddenly 0.00 ?!!!
This months report shows nothing whatsoever?! Completely blank!

These were showing normal earnings for every day yesterday morning, so something seems to have happened at some point through the day yesterday.

If I check my revenue on YouTube, everything looks normal. Earnings are rolling in daily as per normal, but these are now no longer showing in Adsense?

Any ideas??
Up until yesterday everything was fine. I had daily earnings right up to date as normal.

However, I checked my Adsense account yesterday evening and noticed that from the 20th Nov earnings are suddenly 0.00 ?!!!
This months report shows nothing whatsoever?! Completely blank!

These were showing normal earnings for every day yesterday morning, so something seems to have happened at some point through the day yesterday.

If I check my revenue on YouTube, everything looks normal. Earnings are rolling in daily as per normal, but these are now no longer showing in Adsense?

Any ideas??

Yeah I'm seeing the same too, I'm sure EVO's right in saying that it's just a technical difficulty.
Ah cool - thought it was just me!

Anyway seems to have been resolved now!

For future reference, where did you note it was a technical difficulty? I tried checking their status updates and saw no mention of it?