What's a good starting video??

An intro video is always good :)
Once you've uploaded it set it as your channel trailer so whenever anyone clicks on your channel it'll automatically start playing the video. :)
I would say just don't try to make it a big deal. Just make a video of your best content.

I made mine a normal review. With it I have gotten over 100 views, 8 likes, 10+ comments and 7 subs.

I only once mentioned I was a new channel. At the end.
Tags are probably the easiest, i'd do tags like the "50 things about me tag" or something
and i think tags are great for deciding if you like making videos or not
Something that shows your personality, what you like to do, and gives an example of the content you are likely to produce in the future. I think the best ones are where you get to know the person without them reeling off an entire biography. Be yourself and go with the flow. :)

If you don't know what content to produce, look at the things you enjoy. :)
anything to do with your content that you're going to be putting out really.