What YouTube genres are popular?


My interest has always been to do with cars, making me interested in autos. I was thinking of making a YouTube channel to do with this but I wasn't sure how the interest by others would be.
What are your main YouTube genres to watch? :)
You're interested in cars? Interesting. Make videos about cars.

What else do you want me to tell you?

If you're legitimately interested in working with cars, there shouldn't be any second thoughts. Teach people what you know about cars. Get them excited for automobiles. Keep up with the latest news.

If you're going to do YouTube, do it on something you're legitimately interested in. If you try going for the popular genres you're going to fall flat on your channel.

Otherwise. To answer this question.

Comedy, gaming, sketches, short films, etc.
Music is probably the most popular genre as terms of views. Gaming is the most popular genre for people to make videos on.
Do what you know. To make it unique make sure you show your personality. For example, I like doing DIY. The videos I uploaded were not that interesting because I didn't add my personality into. Now when I film a project I try and show my true self. Most of the time it's hard because I'm very shy and don't like being filmed so I do my best. I have to say the videos (that I haven't uploaded yet) are a bit better.
i watch a whole lot but what really sticks to me is anything that the person is genuinely knowledgable and passionate about. as long as you spin it in an entertaining way and easy to absorb and follow, you're doing it right. regardless of your subject, just do you :)