What Would You Rather See? (Gaming Related)

Which one?

  • Casual Playthrough

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • 100% Completion

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • 3-Heart Challenge

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters

Aron Kawaiiski

I've Got It
Naturally, I have not the slightest clue where to put this, and it really isn't either promoting either, at least I think.

So for my next Let's Play (oh s**t sounds like promoting ha) I am doing Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and because I do not have a large enough following to make a poll, I decided to ask you fine people.

3 different gameplay styles:

1. Casual Playthrough: Just beating the game to completion and doing any interesting side quests or what not.

2. 100% Completion: Seeing all there is to see as well as getting all important collectibles, will probably take longer.

3. 3-Heart Challenge: Playing the entire game on only the heart containers you are given, as well as not getting optional items, adds challenge.
I suppose my only concern with doing the entire game 100% is that because its so widely regarded as such a good game and so many people have played it, they may or may not have already seen all there is to see.
I would say that I would rather watch a 100% completion video and use it as a kind of walkthrough I was stuck in the game myself. However, saying this, I rarely watch any gaming videos other than reviews such as TotalBiscuit does.