What would you rate my video idea out of 5 stars?


Well-Known Member
So recently iv'e been wanting to do a video about what life would be like without music when a person is riding in the car to go somewhere, in an elevator, in stores shopping (etc)

out of 5 stars what would you rate this idea and why ? Tell me down below .. thanks in advance !
If it's gonna be a comedy, then actually 5 stars. That's pretty creative and I never would've thought of that myself (since I'm not creative at all ;-; )
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Well 0 at the moment lol what's it going to be? A comedy or what? Maybe some more detail would be helpful

I guess Ill just tell you how i'm thinking of doing it in a brief way (rough draft).

In the car .. awkward silence and attempts not to fall asleep

In stores .. costumers would walk in to either silence ( when the store is kind of empty and the costumer feels like they have to talk lowly if they need assistance for clear reasons ) vs walking in to a store with a lot of random voices in your ear that you really don't care to listen to.

in elevators .. we would have a boring ride surrounded by strangers ( in some cases ) with no tunes to tap are feet to.

(etc) it that more detail for you ?
I say you should do it. If you like the idea and think you can make it fun, then do it! It's always fun to explore new concepts and video types. :)
seems like a good idea, if you can point out the times in life we need music and make it funny because there isn't any. on the plus side you'll never get a content warning because there will be no music! hmm , maybe thats an idea you could put in there