What would you do if...?

Alex Osborne

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Okay so I am making a video and all I need is your support! All you need to do is answer the following question, and the best ones will be featured in the video, linked in the desc and maybe one or two subs ;)...

What would you do if your 15 year old daughter came home pregnant?... Describe your answer and try to make it funny!... :D
19/25 subscribers 2006/2100 views 100th video Break in dead - 11 videos to go!
I would firstly explain that she is loved and always welcome no matter what. I would ask if she knew who the father was (if I didn't already know him from my daughter's social circle). If he wishes to be a part, I would then proceed to have a very frank discussion with both of them about what choices need to be made. Will the child be aborted? Will the child be brought to term? Will the child be raised or sent for adoption? These are all important questions that need to be answered as quickly and as levelheaded as possible.

From then on out, I would support her decision first and foremost.

Because I love her and she's an equal person who has some tough decisions to make now.