What Videos Are Best To Do When Starting Out?


Active Member
Hi guys I literally only have 16 subscribers and have made quite a few videos!

Why am I not getting subscribers? Any ideas of what videos I should be doing to attract an audience?
^ Agreed. Pop culture rants/debates/talks will go far on YouTube. Failing that, reviewing things, talking about movies etc also works. What people don't usually want from an unknown is 'well my day was boring, I went to the store, bought some bananas' kind of thing. From experience, people don't "care" (for lack of a better word) until they see you as someone "important", so to speak.
Haha so funny you said that! I thought the exact thing this morning! As on twitter @MrCNRobinson I saw a picture of a girl who had cut her wrists!! Mad!!
Hey make sure your videos have interesting titles so people want to click on them. If they're boring people won't be interested and won't look at your video. I hope this helped :D