What video topic to do? Help!


Loving YTtalk
I want my channel to eventually be comedy/vlog type things and challenges etc. But i also want it to have a bit of more discussion/debate type things. And once in a while a little art. But my channel is very new and I haven't built up that much of an audience yet. I need a video to upload this weekend. I'm not sure if I should start up more serious discussion videos yet. What do you guys think?

edit: I'm starting to think I should just put it up on a different channel as it involves religion and homosexuality. I don't think I want that kind of discussion mixed with whats going to be a more comedic channel.
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Yeah if you are going to do a discussion video. Try to do it on something that is popular or trending now. That way it would probably get a bit more attention.
I mean, is my channel established enough to have more than one kind of video?
As long as it shows who you are I think you will be okay. I would also just look at how people are reacting to each type of video after to see what people want to watch.
I mean, is my channel established enough to have more than one kind of video?
It's probably better to do that early so people can get a better idea of what to expect from your channel from the get-go rather than introduce things later on and worry about feedback from fans who came to your channel with different expectations. That's the advantage of just starting out, it's very easy to experiment :)

A good idea would be to use playlists and categorize all the different video types. That'll keep things organized and let people know immediately what you have to offer and where to go to watch what they want.

As for what video you should do for this weekend, what was mentioned is a good idea. Something that is popular/trending right now is a good place to start. Good luck!
It's probably better to do that early so people can get a better idea of what to expect from your channel from the get-go rather than introduce things later on and worry about feedback from fans who came to your channel with different expectations. That's the advantage of just starting out, it's very easy to experiment :)

A good idea would be to use playlists and categorize all the different video types. That'll keep things organized and let people know immediately what you have to offer and where to go to watch what they want.

As for what video you should do for this weekend, what was mentioned is a good idea. Something that is popular/trending right now is a good place to start. Good luck!

I actually changed my mind, yes while that is a good idea. I am gay and as for a start to making debate/discussion videos I wanted to debunk and prove wrong an article against homosexualiy which involves religion and that can get messy. And I would love to do more stuff like that in the future and talk about politics etc. But my channel now is heading more towards comedic route. I don't know if I want to mix that with videos like that. So I'm just thinking about a separate channel to do it on. I don't want to use either to promote the other. I would want to try to keep the two separate. But I'm worried people would find both and then they would start bleeding into each other. Sorry for the long post :/
I actually changed my mind, yes while that is a good idea. I am gay and as for a start to making debate/discussion videos I wanted to debunk and prove wrong an article against homosexualiy which involves religion and that can get messy. And I would love to do more stuff like that in the future and talk about politics etc. But my channel now is heading more towards comedic route. I don't know if I want to mix that with videos like that. So I'm just thinking about a separate channel to do it on. I don't want to use either to promote the other. I would want to try to keep the two separate. But I'm worried people would find both and then they would start bleeding into each other. Sorry for the long post :/
I'm not sure how much I can really help since I'm still fairly new at learning all of this, but I can say that I currently follow an active channel of a guy who posts videos about anime/games, cosplay and conventions alongside of social justice topics and it works. (He has over 300k subs.) I follow him more for the SJW aspect than the other stuff, but I occasionally watch his other videos too.

If it's just you being you, I don't see why it can't work. That's what I'm trying to do with my channel. Make videos about things and topics I care about with the hopes that people will follow me because they like, not only the content I create, but also me as a person. If people only want to watch my art videos, then they can do that. If they only want to watch my other video series, they can do that. Or both, the option is there.

At the very least, that would help avoid the "people finding both" aspect of your concern. Though if people do, how much of a big deal is that to you, really? You can keep all the comedy on one and the serious topics on the other. If people try to bring over one to the other, you can ignore those comments or tell them that you can discuss it on your other channel as you want to keep them separate. (If they make a big deal out of that idea, they probably weren't worth talking to to begin with, haha.)

I personally think it'd be fine if you did promote the channels, or at least associated them with each other. No one person is all one personality aspect, after all.

The end decision is up to you, of course, in how you want to go about it. I'm not trying to sway you one way or the other, just trying to give you ideas. Hope it helps ^^;