What to use the make a banner?

I wanna make a new banner for my channel, my banner right now is alright but since my channel is about basketball and stuff I wanna show that on the banner so people know right away what it's about
I've moved this to the Branding and Channel Design forum. ^^ The YouTube tutorials forum are for tutorials and articles, whereas this forum is for Branding questions and discussion. ^^
Photoshop is the best to use, but if you don't want to pay you can use pixlr or other places like that. I think there are some sites with templates for channel art and then you could make it there.
If you don't like any of those options, you could also find someone to make one for you. Sometimes you need to pay them and sometimes you don't.
Good Luck!
I use a free program called gimp to make my banner. It took a while but it looks nice. See my channel to see the banner. Does it look ok?