What should my next Let's Play be?


Loving YTtalk
My Borderlands Let's Play is coming to an end.
I was thinking Skyrim or New Vegas, but a sandbox Let's Play seems like too big of a project for a beginner like me.
Games I have: Any GBA or GBC or GB Game (I could just use ROMs)
Viva Pinata
Frontlines Fuel of War
MW3 (Campaign)
Dragon Age 2
Saints Row The Third
Scott Pilgrim
Castle Crashers
Brutal Legend
Well, what kind of gaming channel are you? are you serious, funny or anything else?
But any way, I think, if anything, I would watch either a Dragon age 2 (grate game gotta say) or Dishourned :)
Do something you're comfortable with that will allow smooth commentary and some freedom as to how you play the game. The problem with linear games is that once someone has seen it or played it once, they probably won't again. Now, if you play a sandbox or something with heavy customization, each run is unique and garners interest by others.