What should I say at the beggining of my video

Mine is simple
Yo guys BobTheWizard here and tooodayyy we will be playing some (game)
Basically (list what we are doing in game)
I have a gaming channel but what should I say at the beggining of the video? Should I introduce myself, jump straith into the video... ?

I've moved your thread to the ideas / planning forum. :)

( To fix your link, please follow the instructions in this post: http://yttalk.com/threads/how-to-add-your-youtube-channel-to-every-message-post.32/ )

To answer your question, very quickly say hi and your name (or channel name) and then get straight into the main content of the video. People have very low attention spans. Good luck. :)
The intro I often use in my videos is "Greetings ladies and gents!" It suits me because it's the sort of intro you'd use if you were entertaining a live audience. Use an intro that's unique to you *without having to think too hard on it.*