What should I make my first video about?


New Member
Hi, im starting a youtube account, and I want to make vlogs and sketches, but I dont want to make vlogs about what I've done today because thats kind of boring....I want to make videos about things like weird baby names, and stuff like that. The only problem I have is I don't have any ideas, except weird baby names. I'd really appreciate it if you could give me a few ideas so I can come up with more ideas of my own in the future! Thanks!!!
I have moved this here for you, perhaps try something thats been on your mind recently that you have something to say about, your thoughts on recent events and news, anything which you find interesting enough to share would be decent.
maybe something funny that happened recently, a reinactment or something? Maybe a spoof of a terrible movie you saw? I don't want to sound critical or anything here but if you decide to make videos you should really be able to think of your own ideas, I understand it can be hard, I do ask sometimes too but people aren't always going to give you ideas :)
Hi, im starting a youtube account, and I want to make vlogs and sketches, but I dont want to make vlogs about what I've done today because thats kind of boring....I want to make videos about things like weird baby names, and stuff like that. The only problem I have is I don't have any ideas, except weird baby names. I'd really appreciate it if you could give me a few ideas so I can come up with more ideas of my own in the future! Thanks!!!
I'd probably watch that ;)
maybe something funny that happened recently, a reinactment or something? Maybe a spoof of a terrible movie you saw? I don't want to sound critical or anything here but if you decide to make videos you should really be able to think of your own ideas, I understand it can be hard, I do ask sometimes too but people aren't always going to give you ideas :)
The point of this website is to find advice and stuff so...that's why I'm on here...if you ask to then don't criticise me for stuff you do
The point of this website is to find advice and stuff so...that's why I'm on here...if you ask to then don't criticise me for stuff you do
I'm not criticizing, i'm giving you an opinion along with suggestions which was advice. I was only trying to help from one youtuber to another, sorry I tried to help :(