What should I do with this channel?


I Love YTtalk
Okay, so in 2009 I stumbled upon a video called 'how to see through clothes'. It was produced by two film geeks (I don't mean that in a negative way) and it demonstrated how a simple camcorder, when fitted with a homemade 'filter' can see through various materials/objects including clothing. They used a bikini on a tabletop (that was also their thumbnail) and the video had 1 million views within one year. Many viewers were skeptical, myself included, so I decided to try it myself and post the results.

I figured, if a bikini on a table can get 1 million views, a video using a real girl should get more. So I enlisted the help of my wife (she was glad to help out) and we made the video 'how to see through clothing'. It got invited to the IVP program (individual video partnership) after it reached 70k views and to make a long story short it now has 43 million views +. Looking to be opportunistic and capitalize on the success of that video, I made a few more similarly titled videos (sequels). None of them were approved for monetization, not even the one that had higher production value lol (animation and a celebrity impersonator voiceover haha). So I mostly gave up on those types of videos.

This channel is a bit all over the place. It has a couple ghost videos...a cooking video...it has no central theme.

Channel has 58 milliion views +, 15k subs (low, but I never put out regular content after I couldn't get videos monetized) and I absolutely do not know what to do with it.

I am looking for a little direction...a suggestion...I don't want to waste 15k subs. I do plan to start a separate dedicated channel for those ghost videos...and maybe even one for the cooking. But I don't know what to do with this channel.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Sketches, use the animating skills you've got and try to make an upload scheme, just some activity. The sketches could differ from problems everyone knows, or just typical stuff, or random humor.
Sketches, use the animating skills you've got and try to make an upload scheme, just some activity. The sketches could differ from problems everyone knows, or just typical stuff, or random humor.

The thing is, if I did sketches they would have to be a little racy for my subs to be interested and to get their attention. The majority of the views come in because of the 'how to see through clothing' videos...so I assume that is what attracted most of my subscribers. I don't think I could easily transition them to 'normal' content. When people sub they sub based on the content they watched. Switch up the content and you could very easily lose your subs. But then again, racy sketches might not be approved for monetization. It's a conundrum for me.
I just took a quick look at your channel - it looks to me like the paranormal and ghost videos are already the theme...with the exception of the macaroni video.

Personally I would just start posting paranormal videos onto the channel you already have. As you say, it is a shame to waste 15K subscribers - it might take you ages to get that many again.
Personally I would just start posting paranormal videos onto the channel you already have. As you say, it is a shame to waste 15K subscribers - it might take you ages to get that many again.

Well, they can be a theme but 95% of my views come from those other infrared see-through videos. I definitely plan on making more of those ghost videos though, just wondering if that particular subscriber base is mostly not interested in that stuff. I don't think I'll have a problem building a subscriber base for those videos so I might even start a new channel purely for those videos (I have other channels with more subs and I think I can do it again with the ghost stuff). But I will consider it. Thanks for the suggestion.
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