What should I do to Celebrate 100 Subs?

Laura Buchanan

I've Got It
I'm almost at 100 subscribers and I'm not sure what I should do to celebrate. It's a big achievement for me so I really want to do something special! Any ideas anyone?
I'm almost at 100 subscribers and I'm not sure what I should do to celebrate. It's a big achievement for me so I really want to do something special! Any ideas anyone?

Send some of them to me :p, Only kidding. Make a video saying thank you for 100 subs, and maybe make some sort of special episode. You could also do some sort of 100 subs contest, although that may bring in many inactive subs who may just come for the contest.

I really don't actually know because I am only at 12 subs but I would suggest doing something that your viewers wouldn't expect. Something funny and weird.
I'm a big fan of sincerity when it comes to milestone videos. So my suggestion would be to just sit down with your viewers and let them know how much you appreciate them. Congrats! (=
Do something that can be turned into a shot game.

Or, make a video of a full game of drunken Monopoly. That's so much fun. ^.^

Just kidding, I agree with @SuckMyDax. A simple video telling everyone how grateful you are would probably be best. :D
I would probably try to do a Q&A with my subs, but that really depends on what kind of community you have. Or do a "10 facts about me!" video, or just sit in front of your camera and say thank you 100 times! I would probably try to get my subs involved somehow though.
I'm almost at 100 subscribers and I'm not sure what I should do to celebrate. It's a big achievement for me so I really want to do something special! Any ideas anyone?
We're going to do a Q&A/#Ask... when we reach 100 subscribers.
Gets your fans involved, and they can find out a bit more about you.