What should I do in games for youtube

Selim Keles

Nap King
So for my channel I do wwe 2k15 content but I want to do more games so give me some games I play xbox one I have wwe 2k15 FIFA 15 gta 5 and far cry 4 also minecraft but need help what to do with them I like walk though but would anyone watch
Just do what you like. Be sure to watch out for content ID and copyrights. I contact the developer before I do anything with their game. Like recently the creators of The Forest replied saying I can use and monetize my videos. But I usually just play what is interesting or fun for me
I tend to just go through the game. But if I see something funny or if I can do something funny outside of the main story. I'll do that. Course I do more indie games then I do main games but it's the same regardless. All I can say is make progress, but don't make it everything. My golden rule is if I am stuck I will do one video of non progression and the next video I will get to the next level. Though I try to get to the next part or level everytime. It just doesn't always happen.