What should I do for 200 subs?


I've Got It
I'm currently at 196 subscribers and I want to do something kinda special...

Should I do a Q&A or something special? What would you like for a channel to do for you? (Including everyone, not a single shoutout...) I could livestream as well but, that's too, common. Same for the Q&A...
wow 196? thats amazing..heres what you should do..give me some of those subs LOL..just kidding..:D a shoutout would be nice i guess..idk lol
Make a thank you video talking about how grateful you are. I'm probably going to do something along the lines of that.. I mean unless you want to get as creative as nigahiga =)
Make a thank you video talking about how grateful you are. I'm probably going to do something along the lines of that.. I mean unless you want to get as creative as nigahiga =)
I already did a sort of thank you video... It's in my signature actually ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1358748601,1358748379][/DOUBLEPOST]
wow 196? thats amazing..heres what you should do..give me some of those subs LOL..just kidding..:D a shoutout would be nice i guess..idk lol
Yeah I know, they're coming in a little more and at a steady pace as well. I'm getting about 3-5 every day for the past week/week and a half & getting more comments/views (Hell of a lot more views... got 299 yesterday :) And already have nearly 30 views an hour into the day +1 sub
I already did a sort of thank you video... It's in my signature actually ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1358748601,1358748379][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah I know, they're coming in a little more and at a steady pace as well. I'm getting about 3-5 every day for the past week/week and a half & getting more comments/views (Hell of a lot more views... got 299 yesterday :) And already have nearly 30 views an hour into the day +1 sub
wow thats great dude..hope i could get those numbers soon too..
wow thats great dude..hope i could get those numbers soon too..
I'm grateful for all of my subscribers and it's actually kinda cool knowing you have 200 subs but if you look at the larger channels with 1 million subs +, you feel like a grain of sand at a beach lol...[DOUBLEPOST=1358749260,1358749227][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm grateful for all of my subscribers and it's actually kinda cool knowing you have 200 subs but if you look at the larger channels with 1 million subs +, you feel like a grain of sand at a beach lol...
So, it's good and crappy at the same time if you catch my drift lmao
since your channels is about cod i suggest a irl videos that what many gamers do
Currently all I have is COD, I will be opening to a variety of different games.
I was actually thinking of starting a lets play video for a different game for my 200 subs video