What Should I Call This Series?


Just a sk8r gurl (or a gamer dude)
So I'm planning on starting a Let's Play Series that are not like 10 minutes to 30 minutes long showing the fun in the game (Simular to Nerd Cubed's Nerd Plays...) I want to have a cooler name for it then Let's Play So and So and TheAlmighty and Chazzle Plays dont really work either what do you guys think I should name it?
There some phrases you could use. Like Have it! Or others i just thought of the one and only or simply the best. You decide mate.:)
Use the funniest part in each video as the title and use caps. This gets attention more than a set series title. Only big channels can use a single title for each video because they don't need the attention when they got so many people following them already.

Interesting titles that sound funny!
Use the funniest part in each video as the title and use caps. This gets attention more than a set series title. Only big channels can use a single title for each video because they don't need the attention when they got so many people following them already.

Interesting titles that sound funny!
Sounds good!
So I'm planning on starting a Let's Play Series that are not like 10 minutes to 30 minutes long showing the fun in the game (Simular to Nerd Cubed's Nerd Plays...) I want to have a cooler name for it then Let's Play So and So and TheAlmighty and Chazzle Plays dont really work either what do you guys think I should name it?
Commence Game when clicked