What prank do you wanna see?


Well-Known Member
AS you may know, my channel is all about pranks, and doing things to strangers... My question is, What pranks would you guys like to see? and what pranks do you think are most likely to go viral?? I am all about doing remakes of what other prankers have done, especially if it is funny and good... But Does anyone have any original ideas that they would like to see done?? Because if its a good idea , we want to do it! Please post, and tell us what you think!
I don't think you can pull what will go viral beforehand - but you might have some luck including popculture nods that are currently trending on Google Trends. A good example would have been having someone dressed as Doctor Who getting chased by a Dallek in a public place and filming people's reactions to it. You would have had the natural search boost from the 50th anniversary!
I don't think you can pull what will go viral beforehand - but you might have some luck including popculture nods that are currently trending on Google Trends. A good example would have been having someone dressed as Doctor Who getting chased by a Dallek in a public place and filming people's reactions to it. You would have had the natural search boost from the 50th anniversary!
Hey I like the idea, Its true, Go with whats trending and naturally views will come in. And , google trends?? Ive never heard of that , I kinda wnna check it out.. does it show what people are searching for alot ?
Hey I like the idea, Its true, Go with whats trending and naturally views will come in. And , google trends?? Ive never heard of that , I kinda wnna check it out.. does it show what people are searching for alot ?

google.com/trends/ It shows you exactly what people are searching for on Google. It's not as precise on Youtube trends - but they kind of go hand in hand. It will give you a good idea of what's hot and what's falling from popularity.
A good prank would be a smack cam just going around the street and doing it to random people

LOL , well I will smack cam my friends!! If I smack cam random people, I wouldnt be, being very nice2strangers lol, and on top of that I would be definitely starting a fight hahaha. COME ON MAN I CANT DO THAT, ALTHOUGH , I do love the craziness factor, keep that coming.