What makes a video boring?

Boring would be lack of enthusiasm. If you seem out of it, it won't be fun to watch. Length also, don't make it too long.
How you feel goes into your videos, but don't develop a fake, overly energetic personality because sometimes that turns people off too. Brian Tracy (a sales expert) once described a technique called "constrained enthusiasm." Imagine a kettle that's percolating and if you put your hand near it, you can feel the heat without touching it. That's what you want with your emotions. If you walk into a room, people can feel your excitement, even though on the surface, you're playing it cool. It's almost like it's a natural part of you.
How you feel goes into your videos, but don't develop a fake, overly energetic personality because sometimes that turns people off too. Brian Tracy (a sales expert) once described a technique called "constrained enthusiasm." Imagine a kettle that's percolating and if you put your hand near it, you can feel the heat without touching it. That's what you want with your emotions. If you walk into a room, people can feel your excitement, even though on the surface, you're playing it cool. It's almost like it's a natural part of you.
Thanks, I agree on past youtube channels I've had I wasn't myself and I was overly energetic just because I thought it would be funny, it wasn't and I didn't even like making the type of videos I did. Thanks for the advice!
Thanks, I agree on past youtube channels I've had I wasn't myself and I was overly energetic just because I thought it would be funny, it wasn't and I didn't even like making the type of videos I did. Thanks for the advice!
You also need to watch for people with larger channels who, if you're planning on doing collabs with them, make sure they don't pressure you into recording content that doesn't appeal to you just because it would get you more subs and views. You won't feel good about yourself and it will also show in the videos, too.
Be you, that is the best thing about this "social experiment"... my main rule to determine if a video is boring is:
If I can't sit through my own video without my mind drifting away probably no one else can.
I am still a newbie and figuring it all out.
To me what makes a video engaging and entertaining is:
1- the personality, sometimes the content might not be spot on but if the personality is fun and real I enjoy watching it.
2- Information, or something that convey some sort of emotion, makes me think, or is a mini vacation for my mind because of great visual and production value.
The key is pacing! This is basically how quickly and consistently you're delivering the goods! In YouTube this manifests mostly in how you choose to edit your video. How many shots you allow to linger on for several seconds.

On the other hand, it is entirely possible to have a thoroughly engaging and entertaining video that doesn't use lots of cuts, or even any at all. I can think of a couple youtubers that are so well-spoken and funny that they sometimes do a video in one take and it's not boring at all. Most of us aren't this talented though, and the longer we let shots linger, the more boring it becomes.

Stephen King once said "Kill your darlings." Sometimes it doesn't feel great to cut huge chunks of what we recorded, but that's often what it takes to end up with a tight, cohesive, well-paced video. (and I'm quite guilty of this problem myself, I assure you)

Good luck!
I find almost any subject interesting, but only for a certain amount of time. Longer videos take a lot of enthusiasm, energy, and interesting twists and turns to keep my attention. When I see a really basic subject being covered in a 20 minute video, I wonder why in the heck it's going to take so much time to get to the point. Same for any sort of story video that's only the person telling the story while sitting in front of the camera. I always wonder what the retention rate is on videos like that, because I honestly drift off after about 5 minutes of just about anyone sitting in the same position in front of a camera without any additional visuals or anything.

Maybe I just have ADD, though. It's certainly been suggested that I do before. :)