What does the Fox Say book reading.


Canberran Film Student
Okay, so I bought the 'What does the fox say?' picture book the other day.

I want to make a YouTube video of me reading it.

I want to do it in a really posh controlled manner. I was thinking of finding a posh place with a nice fireplace, getting a classic cut suit and sit in a leather chair reading.

But finding such place is a little to hard, do able and I'm willing to do it but it will take a while and the WDTFS band wagon is leaving. So I came up with an alternative;

Me reading in the posh and controlled manner, maybe still in the suit, in different locations. I'm staying in the same place in the frame but i'm reading in different places.

What do you guys think? Which one should I go with? have any better ideas?
I say go with what is possible, but I love the idea of the posh reading. If you have a local church who are happy for you to do it, I think it would be fun for you to do part of it in a sermon fashion. xD
I did a dramatic reading of Rebecca Blacks Friday video a couple of years ago. Set in an abandoned holiday village, it was funny. There is always comedy to be had from being dead-pan and reading out ridiculous things.