What does getting copyright on a video lead to?


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I uploaded a 'vine' try not to laugh video, and basically I'm wondering... what would happen if I got copyright claims on it? What is the worst that could happen?
With Copyright claims, the best is it leading to nothing. The worst is a video being taken down and receiving a strike, and 3 of those, you're out. Unless there's special miracles involve that save you. So its best to not get those :p
3 strikes and you're out for 6 months. After that your channel gets reviewed and if everything is in good standing then you can monetize again.
You can also google the "copyright strike basics", I'd link it but I'm not on here enough to get V.I.P again.
But what I see is that 3 Strikes and you would be terminated.
Wouldn't the video stay up though, and it would just say "Matched 3rd Party Content"? There's a vine try not to laugh video on youtube with over 13 million views and it hasn't been taken down.
Wouldn't the video stay up though, and it would just say "Matched 3rd Party Content"? There's a vine try not to laugh video on youtube with over 13 million views and it hasn't been taken down.

Matched 3rd party is typically reserved for larger companies and things Content ID picks up. This wouldn't fall under that (unless there is music playing in it).

Uploading someone else's Vine, they would have to fill out the standard "I own the copyright" form, the video would be removed within 12-24 hours and you would get a strike.

Just because others have done and gotten away with it doesn't mean you can. They may be the same person, received permission, or continue to be luckier than you.

Write the person and ask for permission. If, and only if, they say yes, post it without worries.