What does a voice-over, DIY channel, do for 50 sub "Thank you" video?

Jenny Lynne

"To live would be an awfully big adventure"

I have just reached 45 subs and I am super happy about this. I want to do something for my 50th sub, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I use all voice-overs in my DIY videos, and aside from a challenge video that I wish I put on my vlog channel, that's all I have done. It seems weird to use voice-overs for a thank you video though.

So the only thing I could come up with was just having me talking to the camera, before starting my video as normal.

Does that make sense? Or should my thank yous be in a separate video? Do you have any suggestions that would keep with the style of my channel and still allow me to express my appreciation?

Thank you!
I think a video of you talking to the camera would be better because in a way your having more of a connection with you audience and to be in a separate video would be better as well. Also congratulations! on 45 subscribers!
Well, looking at your channel I would say to try and make a particular type of meal? Make a cake from scratch and thank them for 50 subs?

Here's the kicker.

Don't label your video "50 subs special" or anything like that.

Make a cake.

Like it was a normal video.

Then decorate it at the end.

You stick to your type of content.

AND you get to thank your subs.

and eat cake.

Sounds like a golden idea to me.
Well, looking at your channel I would say to try and make a particular type of meal? Make a cake from scratch and thank them for 50 subs?

Here's the kicker.

Don't label your video "50 subs special" or anything like that.

Make a cake.

Like it was a normal video.

Then decorate it at the end.

You stick to your type of content.

AND you get to thank your subs.

and eat cake.

Sounds like a golden idea to me.

:-D GREAT idea. Especially since I was planning a cake for soon. :-D I like that a LOT! Thanks so much. :-D[DOUBLEPOST=1399438610,1399438479][/DOUBLEPOST]
I think a video of you talking to the camera would be better because in a way your having more of a connection with you audience and to be in a separate video would be better as well. Also congratulations! on 45 subscribers!

Thanks so much! I like this idea too. It's hard to decide to deviate from my current style, but I feel like I need to eventually. Maybe at the end, when I'm showing off my thank you cake I can actually talk instead of voice over, to create that connection there