What do you like to hear in a Commentary

I am a BF4 commentator,I do tips,commentaries,a my first series,and I've just recorded a Live com of my GF playing BF4 and let her talk with me and what not and its adorable,but anyway those are the videos I do,so what do you guys like to hear commentaries about,and what 'my first' would be good for next?

Thanks in Advance,White0Zombie
That run-on sentence... Oh- wait, I should probably post something relevant! Well, if I were a BF4 kind of guy, I'd probably like to see commentaries and tutorials that are unique. Something that's not as done as most things, maybe. FRANKIEonPCin1080p is great example of what I'm trying to say, so maybe check him out to get an idea of what I mean.
Just being entertaining is very important. There are thousands of other people doing exactly what you're doing, so how can you be different? Have personality, be lively, convey that you're having fun while doing it! Don't sound monotone, also, you should definitely invest in a better mic if you plan on doing more things on your channel!