What do you guys think ?

Our storyline is about these two college students named Brandon and Jim, but Brandon moves to University for 2 years. However, Brandon comes back and hasn't heard from Jim for 22 months, and finds out his best friend ended up in a mental hospital. After couple of days Brandon visits Jim's mom where he later finds these strange videos of Jim and another dead family.

if you want you can check out the trailer from the youtuuber user name, " The Last VIog "
Sounds a bit dark, I like it :P Not enough dramatic and suspenseful videos on YouTube, we all likey to makey the comedy :D YouTube could use some darker, more series webseries. Unless I'm just misreading it and it actually just is a very strange comedy XD
Hmmm sounds kinda sad! I'm just going to move this to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas and Planning section of the forum.
Your channel isn't working in the red box (you need to copy/paste the username of your channel in there. If you've linked your G+ profile, it'll be the long stream of numbers/letters after youtube.com