What Do You Guys Think About My Channel Art?

The Maker

Well-Known Member
Hello I am The Maker. I have recently fixed my channel link and created my own profile picture and banner. I am interested in what you guys think about it. I am open to suggestions.
Hiya @The Maker I personally think your profile picture doesn't fit well with your banner =s, i think it might be the colour schemes youre working with >.< but other than that, i find the video on the knex pretty epic LOL it was bringing me back to the days where i'd line up dominoes and watch each drop one by one. Back on track, perhaps simplify the banner somehow or increase the complexity of your profile pic.
Anyway, Keep up the good work :D
I agree with @CountingStars The banner is... messy?... so to speak. You could try one large background photo of your popsicle ship or of your worktable with tools and such on it. Or you could get real creative and "make" your name out of something on your worktable and photograph it, that would be cool. If you kept your name as typed graphic overlay, at the very least I'd enlarge it... a LOT. Maybe with a lightly arched design and in all caps. Keep the outline, that's a nice touch, but add a drop shadow maybe, to separate it from the background. As far as your profile photo... Increase the size of "The Maker" as it is now, and c**k it at like a 30 degree angle to the left so parts of the words are cut off. That might look nice and be easy to do.

Cool boat though... must have taken forever to build!
I haven't been active in this community for a while and i'm just getting back to making videos. First thing that strikes me when I viewed your channel art was that the middle section was definitely out of place. This is partly because of the change in colour scheme. Its too brightly decorated compared to the other two constructions.
@Famous I love when people agree with me :D
I have to agree with you... because you always seem to post to threads before me! :p

@The Maker ...better, with the larger name and the caps and one photo... but I mentioned using the ship is because it's wide so the item you make takes up a lot of space in the banner... rather than looking at your very nice hardwood floors.

hmmm... apparently I should have used the work "angle" instead of "c**k" in my previous message... :whistling2:
I like it. It's creative I feel like everyone on YouTube follows the same boring pattern, based on people not liking change. But the barrier should be broken and be should feel free the post what they think looks best.
I have to agree with you... because you always seem to post to threads before me! :p

@The Maker ...better, with the larger name and the caps and one photo... but I mentioned using the ship is because it's wide so the item you make takes up a lot of space in the banner... rather than looking at your very nice hardwood floors.

hmmm... apparently I should have used the work "angle" instead of "c**k" in my previous message... :whistling2:
Yeah, maybe make the background more interesting, more of your creations instead of floor.