What do you edit with?

if you are an experienced editor then i recommend vegas pro, but for some user friendly and easy to use editing, powerdirector :D
vegas is very good for in depth fine tuning videos though in saying that i've never tried final cut avid or premiere lol but i've never had any problems at all with vegas pro :p maybe someone who uses one of the programs u mentioned will be able to enlighten us as to why so many peoples use those programs :D
I love Cyberlink Powerdirector.

It's very nice, considering I don't need the really fancy in-depth editors. It gives me exactly what I need.
I use Sony Vegas and I like it because it's a lot more professional than Windows Movie Maker and not as over the top as Adobe.
I use the youtube direct uploader, it's very limited, in the fact that you can't do s**t. I used to use imovie9, but then my computer ran away with the fax machine and I was left with a hole where my heart used to be.