What do you do with old footage?


Well-Known Member
Old footage... stuff you're likely not to really ever use again.
Do you back it up? Place it in some obscure/out of the way folder on your massive hard drive? Save them to dvd? Or do you just delete and move on?

I've just been storing them on my hard drive, but it's starting to fill up, so I'm looking for a better solution (pref. one that doesn't require me going out and purchasing a new drive). Currently considering DVDs, as I've got a bunch laying around, but once I run out those will be expensive... so, I guess I'm just looking for ideas. :cat2:
I delete and move on, but my footage is gameplay, so Likely i'm not going to use it ever again.
I'm kind of a pack rat when it comes to old footage. I like saving it. This philosophy was put into conflict, though, when my hard drive was nearing capacity. I was forced to start deleting stuff I had already edited and backing up stuff I planned to edit on a later date. (I backed them up on a Seagate external harddrive.) Now, I've upgraded to a laptop with 1 terabyte of memory, so I won't have to worry about that nonsense for a while...
I have a server with my friend who works with me on the videos, everything goes in to our archives.
I've only done a few videos but I keep it all. With my kind of videos I might be able to make good use of it perhaps for a 'best of' video or something.
I delete raw footage after a while and try to back up the edited files somewhere. I've got a 1 TB external disk that should do the trick for a while. Dunno for how long though.

This gives you food for thought though, can you imagine how many millions of TB's must be in Google's datacenters to support Youtube alone?