What could I do to 'spice' up my channel? All input appreciated

Joshua 2PlayGamez

I've Got It
Hey everyone, my friends have suggested I add some more features to my channel, to give myself more of an edge, above other 'lets play' gamers. If you have any suggestions, that would be fantastic. Maybe it would help if you looked at my channel first instead of throwing ideas at me out of the blue, so you get a rough idea of what you would find funny. I will be buying a camera soon, so I will be able to do more vlogs and such with a better camera quality! Thanks for your time!
Turn GAY People always love that -_-[DOUBLEPOST=1367258347,1367258317][/DOUBLEPOST]Im just joking but do something random like play a game that nobody expects and that kinda stuff ;)
Turn GAY People always love that -_-[DOUBLEPOST=1367258347,1367258317][/DOUBLEPOST]Im just joking but do something random like play a game that nobody expects and that kinda stuff ;)

Aha I was worried for the first part there! I'll consider playing an abstract game, but I would like to do a few others things aside from gaming
Most video editing/recording programs give you the opinion to render for youtube.
If not, read through this quote:


YouTube uses 16:9 aspect ratio players. If you are uploading a non-16:9 file, it will be processed and displayed correctly as well, with pillar boxes (black bars on the left and right) or letter boxes (black bars at the top and bottom) provided by the player. If you want to fit the player perfectly, encode at these resolutions:
  • 1080p: 1920x1080
  • 720p: 1280x720
  • 480p: 854x480
  • 360p: 640x360
  • 240p: 426x240
(Source: support.google.com)
Most video editing/recording programs give you the opinion to render for youtube.
If not, read through this quote:

(Source: support.google.com)

Thanks for the advice, but when I render my videos in Sony Movie Studio, I render in 1280x720, so I'm not sure what the problem is
Okay, sorry then. Have you ever tried to render with Live Movie Maker? There you can simply choose "upload to Youtube in HD".

Sure is, youtube displays videos in 16:9. You need to check your render settings.