So I really need video ideas, I'm a vlogger and I dont know what to talk about ever, I originally started just because people on tumblr wanted me to make a video, but now I just really enjoy it so I'd love to make another video, I just dont know what to make it about!!!!!!
I want to do a question and answer but seeing as I only have 9 subscribers I dont think that will work out because no one would really ask any questions.
But does any one have any ideas on what things I should talk about in my next video?
Can you also just first of all check out my channel (i'm not trying to promote myself) because I feel like then you can get a sense of what I'm like and have topics which are more geared towards me!
Thank you all it would mean a heap to me
I want to do a question and answer but seeing as I only have 9 subscribers I dont think that will work out because no one would really ask any questions.
But does any one have any ideas on what things I should talk about in my next video?
Can you also just first of all check out my channel (i'm not trying to promote myself) because I feel like then you can get a sense of what I'm like and have topics which are more geared towards me!
Thank you all it would mean a heap to me