What Are you Trying To Do With Your Channel Design

Ben Bernstein

New Member
I am curious what people are trying to accomplish in their channel branding. My "channel" is a channel for a video startup that lets you put apps into video and currently our background is simply a wallpaper with the apps lining the side. I would like to do something a little more interesting but Im not sure what to do. Put my FB or Twitter info? They are already at my social channel so I dont think that makes sense but just making pictures to me is a waste. Any ideas?
For social media doing a background may be difficult but having Alps running down the sides it pretty cool but you could have like subscribe going down the left and like down the right and then above those have two app logos above each wording
Ben, I have so much wrong with my background I'm in no position to give advice. ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1358291016,1358290983][/DOUBLEPOST]btw..I like your background.
Well, you do not need to put social links down the sides. Just look at my channel, I put text between the YouTube navbar and the channel container. Have a look at my channel to see what I mean. You can also do more interesting things like putting your logo add some cool effects on the background etc...

Hope it helps.

~ Vlad
The problem is that the colors and the background make my channel, and with the new layout changes, it will screw everything up because those things is what makes my channel unique. I am not partnered and now my channel will look like s**t/bland thanks to whoever the geniuses over at Google thought this was a good idea. :(
The problem is that the colors and the background make my channel, and with the new layout changes, it will screw everything up because those things is what makes my channel unique. I am not partnered and now my channel will look like s**t/bland thanks to whoever the geniuses over at Google thought this was a good idea. :(
Yeah, Imagine the people who are partnered and are losing their one feature that no one else had.