What are the Requirements for SocialBlade?

Well some still do. At least the major ones. Since there are many more now it is easy to find a smaller network with very few requirements.
Yeah< I'm not even looking to get partnered really, I don't see how it will benefit me if I'm on a network because the amount of views I make won't exactly make a lot of money so I feel like I should just stick to doing it for fun.
Socialblade and rpm have very low requirements. If you do it through social blade, then it's 84 views a day. Straight through RPM..........NOTHING! :(
They recently added another contract for people with any amount of views. It could easily ruin their network. I wouldn't recommend partnering with socialblade either because that IS an RPM partnership. For another low requirement network I'd choose fullscreen. RPM is gonna be full of crappy channels now and their partner support will be slow as F***!
It's sad really