Wevideo Exporting Issues

Jul 13, 2022
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I wanted to try and bring this question to this community in hopes someone might have experience.

Anyone that does video editing, I use Wevideo(paid for the unlimited tier package) for my video editing on my phone. My laptop is too slow to use the software on so my phone is all I have for now. My issue is I can do all my editing but when I try to export it it goes through the loading process but never finishes thereby allowing me to post/save/store my finished video. I tried all the customer service troubleshooting points, updated the app, cleared plenty of space on my device, connected to a stable internet connection, removed music, and I still can't get the videos to finish the exporting process. Anyone that has experience please post any advice or ideas on how to get things working, I appreciate any feedback you can offer. Thanks yall!